Wind Energy
What are the Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy?
Wind energy is a good alternative to fossil fuels, but that doesn’t mean it has no negative environmental impacts. View the video below to learn more.
Benefits and Challenges of Wind Energy
From Advantages and Challenges of Wind Energy
Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing energy sources in today’s world. It is a cost-effective, clean energy source and is already widely used in many countries. While providing many benefits, there are also challenges associated with harnessing wind for energy. Here we will discuss the benefits and challenges of wind power.
Wind power is generally cost-effective, costing 1-2 cents per kilowatt-hour. It is a domestically produced, clean, sustainable source of energy. Unlike coal and fossil fuel, wind energy does not contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Because it is a form of solar energy, it is a clean and unlimited resource. Additionally, as a result of being locally produced, the United States’ dependence on other countries for energy is reduced and domestic jobs are created. The wind energy sector in the U.S. employs over 100,000 workers.
While there are many benefits, wind power has its challenges. Desirable sites for turbines are often located far from areas that need the energy produced. This requires the energy to be transported long distances for use. Additionally, land used for wind turbines may hold more value if used in an alternative way, such as farming, discouraging land owners from allowing turbines. Wildlife can also be impacted by wind farms. Turbines can alter migration paths of various species of birds and bats, leading to large scale ecological changes. The turbines are also responsible for thousands of bat and bird deaths each year, some of which are classified as endangered species.
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